ROLAND DAHINDEN | composer - performer
talking with trane
an imaginary talk with John Coltrane
for piano and orchestra
commissioned by PRO HELVETIA for PMP Orchestra Prague
action music
for any instruments
commissioned by Dust in the Groove
recall pollock
for bcl and percussion ensemble
commissioned by Ostrava Center for New Music
BANN - goldener Ring
for any instruments
commissioned by Alpentóne Festival
BANN- Ruef
for any instruments
commissioned by 400 years Isenthal Festival
theatre of the mind
klangraumprozess for
bcl, percussion and electronic
in collaboration with May Kooreman
commissioned by MaySways Foundation Amsterdam
lines - cycle
for trombone, piano and percussion
co-composition with Hildegard Kleeb and Alexandre Babel
talking with charlie
an imaginary talk with Charlie Parker
for any instruments
for ensemble and electronic
commissioned by Brno Contemporary Orchestra
solo works - cycle
for trombone solo with and without electronic
stones - cycle
for trombone and piano
co-composition with Hildegard Kleeb
trajectory - cycle
for trombone and piano
co-composition with Hildegard Kleeb
territory - cycle
for trombone and piano
co-composition with Hildegard Kleeb
for 8 percussionists
commissioned by Pro Helvetia
recall pollock 1-11
for trombone, piano and percussion
co-compositions with Hildegard Kleeb
talking with jimi
an imaginary talk with Jimi Hendrix
for v-cello and electronic
for slightly detuned tuning forks and one or more instruments
string 4 # six with electronic
for Robert Ryman
startled grass
v-cello solo
for Emily Dickinson
me, myself an I
for trombone and live video projection
for two or more performers with microphones
cold mountain
for trombone and string 4
for Brice Marden
for trombone and string 4
klangraumprozess for any string instrument and electronic
for Robert Rymann
for any number of percussionists
for Rotraut Moquay-Klein
klangraumprozess for stringplayer solo with live electronic
for Inge Dick
for alphorn and live electronic
co-composition with Marcel Saegesser
zustand mittersill
for alphorn and live electronic
co-composition with Marcel Saegesser
action for jackson
for bassclarinet and electronic
for Jackson Pollock
solo works-cycle
for trombone and alphorn, voice and percussion, with and without electornic
for viola, v-cello and percussion
for Inge Dick
das blatt von agnes
for 3 voices and percussion
for Agnes Martin
for alphorn and electronic
for Stephane Brunner
the leaf
klangraumprozess for female voice, viola and electronic
for Agnes Martin
poids de l'obre
string 4 # fice with electronic
for Stéphane Brunner
spring bird new song
for voice and electronic
broken lines
klangraumprozess for viola and electronic
for Fred Sandback
flying white
string 4 # four with electronic
for Brice Marden
for solo alphorn and voice
for solo trombone and voice
for crotales and string 4
mond see
string 4 # three
klangraumprozess for string 4 and electronic
for Inge Dick
klangraumprozess for v-cello and electronic
for Gamille Graeser
mind rock
string 4 # two
for Richard long
vibraphone solo
for Inge Dick
moving lines
klangraumprozess for d-bass and electronic
for Sol LeWitt
cold mountain
klangraumprozess for v-cello and electronic
for Brice Marden
for piano and string 4
for Richard Long
komposition kamm
klangraumprozess for v-cello and electronic
string 4 # one
for Josef Herzog
15 miniatures for piano solo (2 and 4 hands)
concert version
25 miniatures for piano solo
version musique d'ameublement
free lines
part one
part two
for any numbers of improvisers-interpreters
for two pianos and live electronic
for solo brass instrument
for trombone and piano
co-composition with Hildegard Kleeb
for trombone and piano
co-composition with Hildegard Kleeb
zufällig still
for computer and any number of speakers
for slightly detuned tuning forks
blau, unendlich
for computer and any number of speakers
in collaboration with visual artist Inge Dick
zustand mittersill
for alphorn and live electronic
co-composition with Marcel Saegesser
constant motion
for computer and any numbers of speakers
looking at the lake thinking of Sol
eine welle
for computer and 8 speakers
for computer and 6 speakers
in collaboration with visual artist Inge Dick
inherent color
for head phones or surround
for Rudolf de Cringnis
for head phones or surround
in collaboration with visual artist Philippe Deléglise and writer Vincent Barras
for head phones or surround
in collaboration with visual artist Inge Dick
for head phones or surround
in collaboration with visual artist Andreas Brandt
for head phones
in collaboration with Josef Herzog
constant motion
for computers and 6 speakers
in collaboration with visual artist Andreas Brandt
for computer and 6 speakers
in collaboration with visual artist Andreas Brandt
for Elsbeth Kuchen
for 3 synchronal cd players and 6 speakers
1 x 2 x 3
for Carin Kuoni
for computer and 6 speakers
for 2 asynchronal cd players and 4 speakers
in collaboration with painter Philippe Deléglise
for cd player and 4 speakers
in collaboration with conceptualist Daniel Buren
for Rudolf de Crignis # two
for cd player and 2 speakers
for Rudolf de Crignis # one
for cd player and 2 speakers
for surround (installation)
for violin, v-cello and percussion (performance)
in collaboration with visual artist Inge Dick
for surround (installation)
for solo alphorn and voice (performance)
lichtung kiel
for 3 x 3 pairs of loud speakers (installation)
for viola and live electronic (performance)
in collaboration with visual artist Rainer Grodnick
for computer and 5 speakers (installation)
for piano, string 4 and live electronic (performance)
in collaboration with conceptual artist Sol LeWitt
surface light black
for cd player and 2 speakers (installation)
for piano solo (performance)
in collaboration with painter Rudolf de Crignis
for piano and digitally processed sounds
in collaboration with Sol LeWitt
1615 73 75 136 94 133 139
for piano and digitally processed sounds
in collaboration with painter Philippe Deléglise